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Go Green with Paperless ELDs and Paperless Work Orders

In the past, many companies relied on paper; paper logs, paper fuel tickets, paper receipts, paper invoices, etc. Completing these paper forms took large amounts of time for remote workers filling them out and also for the office staff entering and filing them. Paper logs can contain errors or get misplaced, and drivers on the road don’t turn in invoices and logs for extending periods of time.

There are many variables working against companies that still rely on paper logs as their main form of reporting. To avoid potential setbacks and record falsifications, businesses are now making the switch to electronic logging, such as electronic logging devices (ELDs) and fleet management. But what is electronic logging, and how can it help you?

ELDs and electronic ticketing have been getting a lot of press, most recently due to the new FMCSA mandate that went into effect this summer. Besides the mandate for all long-haul operations, many people know little about the technology and are unaware of the very real benefits and ROI that come with it.

ELDs or electronic logs (E-Logs) eliminate the need for paper log books and the hassles they bring. It’s more important than ever to keep accurate logbooks to meet all compliance and regulations; if you don’t it will cost you. Breaking HOS regulations or other report compliance can result in large fines and potential dings on both the driver's and company’s record. By using a tablet or Smartphone, all drivers can now log their hours and stops electronically, which is immediately transmitted to the home office.

Prior to ELDs, HOS violations could go unnoticed for weeks due to back logs in paperwork. Now, with the ability to hit one small button for “driving,” the home office is up to date with the status of all workers. Automated alarms trigger when a driver is nearing the driving and on-duty limit and notifies both the driver and home office.

With the in-cab device, companies can implement electronic work orders. Electronic work orders ensure drivers and remote employees have everything they need to get the job done right. All paper forms previously used are completed on the in-cab device.

Drivers can fill out fuel tickets, vehicle inspections, invoices, delivery receipts, capture signatures, and in the event of road-side inspections, the device can easily be removed from the cab for review, getting drivers back on the road faster. The home office can even send turn-by-turn directions directly to the tablet so drivers know exactly where they are going.

Benefits to Going Paperless:

  1. Complete electronic work orders, fuel purchase forms and driver vehicle inspection reports

  2. Dispatch workers to job sites

  3. Capture signatures and document images

  4. Give turn-by-turn directions

  5. Communicate with safe, two-way messaging

  6. Paperless electronic driver logs

  7. Breeze through road-side inspections

Going paperless, piggy-backed on a Pedigree Technologies’ Fleet Management solution, allows for more efficient operations in many businesses.

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