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How Asset Tracking Saves Time and Money

Businesses are always looking for ways to be more efficient. But they don’t try to increase efficiency so they can take longer coffee breaks. The end goal of improving current processes is, of course, to reduce costs, increase revenue, and grow the business.

And so many operations have their eyes open for opportunities to work more efficiently. The question becomes, “how can you get significant results without dramatically altering the operations of your organization?” If you’re still tracking your assets and equipment the old-fashioned way, the answer is easier than you may think.

An asset management solution can go a long way in making your business more efficient. This solution allows you to quickly immediately locate a wide variety of assets so you don’t waste time tracking them down.

Many companies who utilize trailers, yellow iron, mobile equipment, and other high-value assets can spend hours (if not days) trying to locate and retrieve a particular asset for the next job they have. How often have you gone to pick up a piece of equipment in the place you left it only to find it’s no longer there?

If you don’t have an asset management solution in place, your only option is to just look somewhere else. Depending on the size of your operation, that piece of equipment could be just down the road or many states away. Every hour spent trying to locate misplaced equipment is an hour that could be used making deliveries, working with customers, doing important back-office tasks. If this sounds familiar, imagine if you could get back all of the hours that your business spends locating equipment each month. That’s a lot of time saved and money earned!

Customers using the OneView Asset Tracking solution tell us they save several hours each week by not having to track down equipment, retrieving assets more efficiently, and preventing loss and theft. As a result, they are able to shift their efforts to tasks that increase their sales and grow their businesses.

For businesses that rent out equipment, asset tracking brings the added benefit of improved customer service. With visibility to see where assets are located, businesses are able to accurately explain to their clients when they can expect their delivery. This brings valuable, accurate information to their customers. It’s not unusual for clients to increase profits by 25% within the first few months of implementing Asset Tracking within their business!

Asset Tracking is just one of the offerings that Pedigree Technologies has in ensuring your business eliminates downtime and increases profits, contact us today and learn how asset tracking can be utilized in your operation.

For more information, visit our Asset Tracking solution page, or check out this video.

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