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When The Old-Fashioned Way is Really Just the Expensive Way

There's a lot to be said for doing things "the old-fashioned way." Many times, the phrase hearkens back to a time when quality, craftsmanship, and taking care of customers were the highest priorities.

In a lot of ways, companies that continue to do things the old-fashioned way are rewarded with loyal customers and a booming business. There are times, however, when doing things the old-fashioned way really just means doing things the expensive way.

If you're still managing your operation with pen and paper or even standard programs like Excel, you're losing money that could be put to much better use.

Here are three examples of how the "new ways" offered by a mobile resource management solution (like OneView) can lower costs and increase profits:

Reporting is time-consuming. One of our customers was spending as much as 80 hours every single month on IFTA reporting! Think of how much more could get done if these tasks could be automated.

But rather than stick with the way things had always been done in the past, they implemented OneView to help automate reporting. Through the use of automated IFTA reports, they were able to reduce their monthly reporting time from 80 hours down to 2.

That's right. They went from spending eighty hours a month on reporting to just two hours a month. As a result, they eliminated the need to take on two new administrative positions—saving about $70,000 a year!

That's a lot of money saved by trying out a new way of getting the same old job done.

To see how customers are saving time and money with OneView, check out our case studies!


When most people see a 20-ton loader, they aren't thinking "that looks easy to misplace." And yet, it happens all the time. When you're operating multiple job sites or renting out equipment, even the largest assets can get lost in the shuffle.

If you're recording the location for each piece of equipment by hand, or if you're relying on memory to know where assets should be, the chances are you are going to waste time tracking down your equipment. Sending someone out to retrieve a machine only to find out it's not there is a waste of time and money.

When you switch to equipment tracking, you'll always have quick access to the information you need. The actual location of your trucks, trailers, and equipment will be available instantly and overlaid on Google Maps. Even better, it will be accessible anytime, on any device with an Internet connection.

Sure, you can use a calendar and mark when your trucks and equipment are going to need routine maintenance. You could even use something like Google Calendar and get an alert when the day arrives, but efficient operations work off of timing and usage, not days. And the fact is, the larger your operation the more likely it is that something is going to get missed.

One customer, Purity Oilfield Services, was able to extend equipment life by 30%. Extending the life of your equipment is a sure way to reduce replacement costs, and predictive maintenance lets you lower the chances of costly breakdowns.

When routine maintenance is missed or trouble codes go unnoticed, you'll inevitably find yourself having to do corrective maintenance. But with equipment maintenance software you can track usage and receive alerts when maintenance is due, based on engine run-time and actual usage. This way you can prevent major problems from occurring down the road.

These are just a few of the ways that you can take your operation to the next level. The old-fashioned way can be great in lots of ways, but when you're trying to stay competitive a little technology goes a long way.

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